Machine Learning Model Deployment Techniques

󰃭 2024-01-01 (updated: 2024-01-02 ) | #deployment #machine learning #ml model #mlops #techniques

In this first post of 2024, I wanted to give some quick insights about the details of MLOps and ML model deployment, and then different techniques used in deployment. MLOps, short for Machine Learning Operations, is a practice within the field of data science and machine learning that brings together the principles of DevOps and applies them to the unique challenges of machine learning model development and deployment.

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Machine Learning Model Quantization and It's Importance

󰃭 2023-12-23 (updated: 2023-12-23 ) | #deep learning #ml model #model #model compression #quantization

Machine learning enables computers to perform tasks smartly by learning from data and instances, instead of just following fixed rules. This is enabled by the vast quantities of data gathered in different sectors and the rapid development in computing power, which collectively bolster the capabilities of machine learning algorithms.

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